Art Imperialism Fine Art Print

All our prints are available on a range of matt and lustre finishes, each carefully profiled for fantastically accurate and consistent reproductions using giclée printing techniques. - *Fine art print (200gsm)* A museum-quality fine art print paper with a textured, matt finish. - *Photo print (170gsm)* A bright-white lustre photo art paper. - *Hahnemühle German Etching (310gsm)* A premium fine art paper with a velvety surface perfect for archival quality reproductions. - *Hahnemühle Photo Rag (308gsm)* One of the world’s most popular papers perfect for photography or art reproductions.

Yes, it's true — free shipping to US/UK/EU!

Shipping Times 
Please note: At the moment, we are expecting an especially high volume of orders! The average delivery time is 12-14 business days.

Made in
95% of our products are made in the USA, EU or UK.

Return Policy
Any claims for damaged/defective items must be submitted within 28 days after the product has been received. For packages lost in transit, all claims must be submitted no later than 4 weeks after the estimated delivery date. Find more information here

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